Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Most Important Part of Starting a Home Business

A question I get asked a lot is this. "What is the most important part of starting a home business?" Well, the truth is, there are many things that are important. To pick just one would be a disservice to people who truly want to succeed with their business. However, if you put me up against a wall with a gun to my head, I'd have to say that the most important thing is coming up with a business plan. In this article, I'm going to explain to you why this is so.

Most people who struggle with their home business do so because they have no direction. They dive into something without really thinking it through. Maybe they'll decide to get into affiliate marketing. So they'll go to an affiliate marketplace, pick out a product, maybe put up a blog with some content and hope that they get a few visitors to their site. That's not a's a shot in the dark. They're essentially rolling the dice in the hope that something sticks. Not the best way to go about things.

Making a business plan is really very simple. All one has to do is sit down and decide what it is that they want to do. Easiest way to do this is make a list of their skills and interests. By going through these, they are bound to find something that has a demand. For example, if somebody has a skill such as playing the guitar, they may find through their research that there are a number of people online who are interested in learning to play the guitar. Maybe this person has a great system for teaching the guitar and could create a course to do just that. That is a business plan, or at least the start of one.

Naturally, a complete business plan is a lot more complex than that. There's the making of a budget along with income projections based on the product you intend to sell and how many units you estimate to sell on a monthly basis. This of course all has to be based on research. Yes, it takes some work to make a business plan. I didn't say it was easy. But without one, you stand a good chance of fumbling around in the dark, never getting anywhere at all.

So, if I had to pick out one thing that was more important than anything else, I'd say a business plan was at the top of the list. By making one, you give yourself a firm foundation and a direction to go in. And that alone can mean the difference between a five and six figure yearly income.

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