Tuesday, December 16, 2008

[4_Internet_Marketing] EARN US $ WITHOUT INVESTMENT

It's not cheating.
Careful Unemployee: This is the best way to earn money. This is the True & Best Internet Business. No need to go to other job.
If you don't interest to do this business, it sure defiantly you loss the one easiest way to earn money. Daily 1 hour enough to do this business. More hours gives much more money.
You go to spend your Browsing money only.
If you spend Browsing Money maximum Rs.20 / Hour, you go to earn more than Rs..1000 / Hour.
Your Job: Advertising the SFI Company.
More details refer topic: Actually what you going to do this Business.
Want to earn more money easily & freely & simply & quickly?
Without investment. No need credit card. Believe me.
4$ (Rs.160) per one fulfilled Application.
Otherwise minimum 1$.
(Freely & Easily & Quickly & Simply)
More than Rs.20, 000 per month.
If your extraordinary person you can earn more than Rs.1000 per hour.
Only 3 steps taken 1 minute only.
Feel Free to do this, then you known.
[ 1) Go to this link.
2) Fill up the application fully and follow the website commands.
3) Confirm your personal details.
(Verification: 1) Go to My Account
2) Go to the third topic My Account Information.
3) If your personal details wrong change manually, otherwise come to back. Go to Change Account Info. Then Change your personal details. And submit your details.
4) And also confirm your Commission Payment options.
            a) Select the first option 1) Check mailed to you
                                                    2) Give your name to make checks payable to. And Click Update.
Once you had given correct details then no need to confirm again. The check goes to that address correctly.
That's all.) ]
·         If you didn't fulfill the application fully you are rejected.
If you didn't interest to do this business
1.      You lost more money earn business freely & easily & simply & quickly.
2.      Defiantly you are looser. Because it's an easiest way to earn money. Why you are very busy man? If you can't spend at least 1minute for to known how to earn money? If you keep on doing this business correctly I sure no need you go to other job. Because it gives more than your expectation money. It's TRUE. Hey unemployee do first then you known.. Click this link
When you are eligible:

 * After you submit the application you will received SFI mail immediately in your email (which good email id you given in that application) . That mail contains a conformation link. You must enter that link. One application form is shown. That application form asks your details.. Which details you given is it your future check receiving details. So fill up the application correctly.
·        After completion of these steps fully you are eligible to receive check.
Business Suggestion:
1.      Use separates (New one) Email-ID for this Business. Because unexpected number of mails comes to daily which mail id you given. This email id (New one) use to do this business. Which good email id you given in your application that email id used to communicate sfimg business and you (Continuously receiving mail from sfimg and you send your enquiry to sfimg..). So use two separate email id. Now you go to fill up the application no need new one email id. When you going to do this business that time only you need another one email id.
Why: Our job spread the link to world
(Example link: http://www.moreinfo247.com/ (YOUR NUMBER)/CB).
Otherwise refer topic: Actually what you going to do this Business:
If any email id ok to spread the link except which email id given to application. Because unexpected number of mails comes to daily which mail id you to do this business. To avoiding this problem we going to do this method. Which email id is not a problem but which link is important. You can use number of email id for spread the link.
<!--[if !supportLists] -->1.      <!--[endif]-->Original email id used to communicate with sfimg company.
<!--[if !supportLists] -->2.      <!--[endif]-->Other email ids used to spread the link.
2.      Use www.groups.yahoo. com  or www.groups.sify. com www.connexions. rediff.com or www.orkut.com  to send mails. Because this website gives to send our message to number of mails at one time (Group mail).
How to do you earn Money:
Ø      The SFI Company teaches you how easily, quickly and freely how to earn money.
Ø      This is your business entering website www.sfimg.com .
Ø      The SFI ID is a number (example: 9******). Refer that number in your first SFI received mail.
Ø      Thus website contains what details you want.
Actually what you going to do this Business:
Ø      Go to www.sfimg.com .
Ø      Give your SFI ID and Password. The SFI ID is a number (example: 9******). Refer that number in your first SFI received mail.
Ø      Click MY ACCOUNT.
Ø      Click My SFI Gateways.
Ø      Click SFI Opportunity Gateways.
Ø      See http://www.moreinfo247.com/ (YOUR NUMBER)/CB
Example: http://www.moreinfo247.com/9832175.10/CB
Ø      Spread this link to world. How? See Business Suggestion 2nd point.
Ø      This Link contains one Application. That is how you enter to this Business.
<!--[if !supportLists] -->Ø      <!--[endif]-->Each fulfilled Application gives 4$. Example:  10 Application fulfilled means 10*4($)*40(Rs. ) = Rs.1600 minimum.
*    You don't fulfill the application. Only your job spread the application link to world. It earns money to you. If you fulfill the application, defiantly you loss this business. Because the sfi company watching every application Internet Protocol Address & Application Data. Its shows your fraud. Keep mind.
                Advantage: That Application is simple and easy. Maximum 1 minute enough to fulfill the application. It's asking no credit card. Just your Personal details & your life expectations.. That's all.
Ø      Otherwise you get minimum 1$.
Ø      How You See that?
Ø      Click MY ACCOUNT
Ø      Click My SFI Business Reports.
Ø      My reports Last topic is Click Bucks.
Ø      Click that click bucks.
Ø      See Sort By:
Ø      Select the month which Month You doing this business. Then click sort.
Ø      It shows how many members are fulfilled the application.
Ø      Full access Affiliate means 4$.
Ø      Affiliate means minimum 1$.
When will you receive your check:
Ø      After 1month when you joined this business. (This time taken to verification. ) Example: If you joined March, you will receive your check in May. Afterwards you continuously receive your check every month whatever you earn.
Ø  You received your first check, then you will receive your further checks every month before 15th.
Ø  Keep on doing this business. How many members you invite to this business it's all money.
You don't waste your single rupee money also. It's all free except your browsing cost.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas] -->
Its true is this link to earn money. Any doubt sends offline or online message via yahoo messenger. I clear your doubt. My email ID is erikjan777@yahoo. com If you want share this message to other please forward to them.
Otherwise omit this message.
Note: I don't want to cheat anybody in my life.
Best of Luck.
Thank you for your co-operation.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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A small investment can generate a great income if you follow these SIMPLE instructions EXACTLY to the letter.
Here are 4 simple steps:

The first thing to do is SAVE this entire post in word on your computer so you can come back to it later. After that, if you are not already a PayPal user you need to go to the PayPal website at https://www.paypal.com/ and SIGN UP. You will want to be able to receive credit card payments from other people so sign up for a PREMIER account. This is highly recommended to allow others easy payment options. In order to place the initial $6 into your account, you will have to verify your bank account with PAYPAL. PAYPAL is 100% secure and is used by millions of people worldwide.
So, Take a few minutes to join Paypal: Remember to verify your account.
(The internet's most trusted internet banking system for your payments.)

Send a $1 payment to each of the email addresses on the current list from your PayPal account.
1. Login to PayPal and click on the "Send Money" tab near the top of the screen
2. In the "Recipient's Email" field enter the email address
3. In the "Amount" field enter "1" (This is your $1.00 payment)
4. In the "Category" field select "Service" (Keeping it legal)
5. In the "Subject" field type "EMAIL LIST", and in the "NOTE" field enter "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST". By doing this, you are creating a service and maintaining the legality of the system by "paying" for the service.
6. Finally, click on the "Continue" button to complete the payment. Repeat these steps for each of the 6 email addresses.
(Be sure to send the money. If you don't send the money and decide to cheat by posting the message without payment, paypal will instantly pick this up and terminate your service, and other legal action will be taken. This is fraud and is punishable by law.(So follow the instructions and post the $6 and you will make lots of money with no hassles.)
Here is the current e-mail list:
The email list:
1) kkimani123@yahoo.com (kkimani123 @yahoo.com)
2) lylcutiebm23@yahoo.com (lylcutiebm23 @yahoo.com)
3) vik579@gmail.com (vik579 @gmail.com)
4) tkurtz84@hotmail.com (tkurtz84 @hotmail.com)
5) helpanother_iyc@yahoo.com (helpanother_iyc @yahoo.com)
6) Cazisbiz@aol.com (Cazisbiz @aol.com)

Now take the #1 email off of the list that you see above (from your saved file), move the other addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.) and add YOUR email address (the one used for your PayPal account) as number 6 on the list.

Post your amended article to 200 message boards. There are tens of thousands of groups online! All you need is 200, but remember the more you post the more money you make! Search for various on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions, etc.
THAT'S IT!!! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup.
When you post 200 messages in various forums, it is estimated that at LEAST 15 people will respond and send you a $1.00 ($15.00). Those 15 will put up 200 Posts each and 225 people send you $1.00 ($225.00), etc. through 6 levels of email addresses. For comprehension purposes, here is an easy viewing chart:

1) 15(1) = 15 people ($1) = $15
2) 15(15) = 225 people ($1) = $225
3) 15(225) = 3375 people ($1) = $3375
4) 15(3375) = 50625 people ($1) = $50625
5) 15(50625) = 759375 people ($1) = $759375

As you can see, your $6 has multiplied exponentially. What other opportunity that is as simple as this can cash in the way this can?! I'm not going to say this is going to make everyone over $800,000, but within a few WEEKS you will begin to see results, thanks to the speed of the internet! This is excellent seed money to start or expand a business, buy your dream home, car and pay off whatever bills you may have. Good luck!

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[4_Internet_Marketing] The Secrets to Offline Advertising for Online Business

The Secrets to Offline Advertising for Online Business

"Here's How To STOP Spending Money On Online Advertising That Doesn't Work & Make Offline Advertising Pay Like Crazy!"
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Would you like to stop spending money on online advertising all together?


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http://tinyurl.com/6nwn8c or http://98.to/purads

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[4_Internet_Marketing] Sex Offender Background Check..Badside People Search Gives You

Sex Offender Background Check..Badside People Search Gives You

Sex Offender Criminal Checks: Now Internet Services Can Help You
Your Children Safer
One of the most disturbing trends of our time is the increase in sex
offenses against our children.
A study by the US Department of Justice found
- 67% of all victims of sexual assault were juveniles, under 18 years
- Thirty-four percent of the victims were younger than 12
- One of every seven was less than 6 years old
This is such a tragedy but at least parents are becoming more aware
of the problem. They're taking steps to safeguard their children by
keeping them from going out alone or from going anywhere
If you're a parent, now there's even more you can do to protect your
How the Internet Can Help You Protect Your Children
Your computer and the Internet can play a major part in helping you
keep your children safe. If you're like most folks, you probably
have at least some experience looking up information online, using
Google or Yahoo search perhaps.
What you may not realize is how much information you can uncover
online about sex offenders and other criminals who pose a threat to
your family.
Specialized background checking services now exist that take you
directly to criminal histories and sex offender records. While the
common search engines are good for finding general information on a
variety of topics, they're not so helpful when you want to search for
criminal records. The specialized services make it a whole lot
easier and faster.
I became familiar with these criminal background checking services
from my work as a professional writer and researcher. If you're a
parent trying to protect your children, you'll want to find out as
much as you can about what's available.
You Can Now Find Out Secrets Once Deeply Hidden While Sitting at Your
It used to be time consuming and costly to check someone's background
to see if they had a criminal history. You had to hire a private
detective or go through some expensive reporting agency. Not today -
not with Criminal record databases so readily available to us.
Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective sites, or Personal Search
sites, these web-based search services give you the low-down on all
kinds of formerly-hidden information.
They let you make complete criminal background checks and give you
access to detailed information including:
- Sex Offender Status Records
- Geographic Locations of Registered Sex Offenders
- Criminal Records for all kinds of crimes
- Prison Records
- FBI and other Law Enforcement Agency Files
- Criminal History
Why Checking Criminal Backgrounds Can Help You Spot Crime Before It
The unfortunate truth is that many offenders commit crimes again and
again. The DOJ tracked one sample group of around three hundred
thousand offenders and discovered an amazing fact. This one group of
felons has so far accounted for nearly five million arrest charges
over their recorded careers.
Here are more disturbing findings from US Department of Justice
- When criminals were arrested for a new crime, more than half of
them were out on probation, parole or pretrial release for a previous
- 39% of jail inmates had already served 3 or more prior sentences.
- Of the hundreds of thousands of criminals released from prisons
during a one year period, an estimated 67.5% were rearrested for a
felony or serious misdemeanor within 3 years, 46.9% were reconvicted,
and 25.4% resentenced to prison for a new crime.
And the most chilling statistics
- Sex offenders were about four times more likely than non-sex
offenders to be arrested for another sex crime after their discharge
from prison.
- Of released sex offenders and child molesters arrested for
committing another sex crime, 40% perpetrated the new offense within
a year or less from their prison discharge.
It's extremely troubling but the very fact that so many criminals are
repeat offenders is what makes using criminal background checks so
effective. Those past crimes leave a trail. Access to that trail,
that criminal history, is easily available through the specialized
background check services.
The criminal history you can easily find out there can forewarn you.
You'll know if someone has a criminal background and is therefore
likely commit a crime again. It's not pre-judging. It's just being
realistic and practical.
Experts Recommend Parents Use Criminal Background Checking Services
Safety experts are starting to recommend that parents use a criminal
background checking service regularly. By running a criminal
background check on anyone you find suspicious or even anyone your
child might come into contact with, you'll know if there's anything
to worry about. You'll be armed with the knowledge you need to take
appropriate action.
You can use the search services to check out your baby sitter, nanny,
au pair, day care center and staff, and even school teachers and
You can use it to search geographically and find out if known sex
offenders live near you. It's now possible to determine exactly
where they live.
When You Choose a Criminal Background Search Service, Here's What to
Look For
To help you find the best possible service for criminal background
checking, here are the things I've found important to consider during
a review:
1. Free versus Paid
I've been disappointed by the free services. Better to pay the small
fee and get quality information you can trust. Many of the better
services have special offers of multi-year memberships for a low one-
time fee. The cost can be less than what you'd pay for a low-priced
blouse or golf shirt.
2. Speed
You want a service that responds quickly and gives you exactly the
information you need. Make sure you try it out. Check both speed and
accuracy! 3. Proprietary Database
If a service compiles their own database, it's a sign they're more
likely to be in the business for the long term. That's because a
proprietary database is costly to build and maintain. A company
wouldn't invest if they didn't expect to stay in business.
From a usability standpoint, a dedicated database is better too. You
get a single interface that you can quickly learn.
(One note: I've never seen a free service that has its own database.
Most of the free services I've checked out are really just link
farms - they just point you at some public or government database.
You could get that from the general search engines.)
4. Training and Support
Be sure you can easily learn to use any service you choose.
Actually, you'll find that the better services are pretty intuitive:
you'll know what to do just by looking at it. But better services
will also provide extra, in-depth searching. If you ever need the
extra, it might require you dig into it a bit before you can fully
use it. Just make sure your service has easy, accessible ways to
learn, like tutorials.
And don't ignore support. Sooner or later you'll have questions or
there will be something you need help to get resolved. The best
services offer free, live support with a phone number or live chat
where you can talk directly with a person.
Final Word
It's a threatening world but fortunately, you can use modern
technology to better protect your children. Like the experts
recommend, sign up for Criminal Background Checking service and use
it regularly. People Search :
Home Website:
http://badside.synthasite.com Sign-Up Link:
recruiter_id=989554 Presell Page 1:
http://BadsidePeopleSearch.ws/tissa.htm Presell Page 2:
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