Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How to Make Money Online With No Product Or Service Using Creative Advertising Techniques

Making money with no product or service is not a tenable idea, you may be thinking. Most people make money online by selling something such as an e-book, a service or a digital product. Others sell physical products such as cameras and mobile phones.

Logical business laws tell us that there is nothing for nothing. You need to give a customer something before they part with their money. No wonder, many find the idea that you can make money online with no product unbelievable. However, contrary to popular belief there are many ways to make money online with no product or service. How do you make money with no product?

The secret to make money with no product is to employ creative advertising techniques. Many marketers, even experienced ones, are letting money slip through their fingers by failing to exploit the full power of advertising. Advertisers are constantly searching for new ways to put their message across in order to improve their sales.

Websites such as ZangoCash.com offer an example of how it is possible to make money online using creative advertising techniques. You do not need a product or service. How does it work? Such websites offer money making opportunities to entertainment and content website owners by connecting them to clients who use their advertising networks.

You get paid every time a new visitor installs their advertising software on his/her computer. It is called pay per install. The catch is that a visitor has to install the advertising software in order to view all the content and entertainment on a particular network. This is truly creative advertising at its best. If a visitor does not wish to install the software he cannot see what he wants. The software is usually easy to install and remove and has no strings attached.

Beware though that installing software you do not know can hurt your computer. It is advisable to check out the reputation of the pay per install vendor before installing the software on your computer. Secondly, commissions paid usually vary from region to region, with the USA attracting the highest pay per install returns followed by Canada, UK and European Countries.

The amount paid for each region range from $0.50-0.75USD per install for the first 3,000 installs and is stepped up for installs over and above a certain threshold, say 3,000. Obviously, the more installs you generate the more money you make. Make sure to target the regions paying out the highest commissions.

The above is just one example of how you can harness the power of creative advertising and make money online with no product or service. Creative advertising is completely legal and is increasingly being exploited by savvy marketers to make money online. To benefit from creative advertising and make money online you usually need a money making website and targeted visitors or traffic. Make money online with no product or service by employing creative advertising.

The example given in this article is just one way to put creative advertising to work and make money online. Who else wants to earn 6 streams of Home Based Residual Income churning out cash even when you are on holiday? Visit http://www.AffiliatePricelessGoodies.com and get started today. Grab your own money making website at no charge and learn how to kill 6 birds with a single stone. Included in the package is a 30 day training course where you learn many creative ways to drive hungry visitors to your website.

Top 3 Secrets on How to Generate a Second Income Online

Do you want to generate a second income online? Many people are looking for ways how they can generate an extra income from the internet, but most of them fail. One of the reasons is that most people do not know how to start and where to start. To generate income online, you must first be serious and committed in it.

There are basically quite a number of ways how you can generate a second income online. However, you must stay focused in just using one strategy and run only online business at one time. Below are the top 3 secrets how to create extra stream of income from the internet...

1. Keyword and market researches are very important. It will determine the future of your internet business. So choose a market that is profitable, niche, low competition and huge. Many people underestimate this and that is why they find it hard to generate a second income online.

2. Create value to the people in your market by providing useful and quality content that they are looking for. By doing so, you will build trust and relationship with them. As a result, you will establish yourself as a trusted expert and you will definitely make more sales. This is the real secret in generating second income online. Remember; always create value for the people in your market.

3. One of the most common reasons people fail to make money from the internet is because of the lack of focus and information overloaded. No matter which market you are in, you must stay focused in doing just one business at one time. Stay focused in your business until you generate your first second income online before you start another business.

These are the top 3 secrets how to generate income from the comfort of your home. In fact, making money from the internet is not a rocket science, as long as you follow through and do it correctly, generating a second income online will be a mission possible for you.

If you are serious in generating a second income online, do this now. Join my 1 week e-course now and discover how you can generate massive amount of instant cash the easy and lazy way and on complete autopilot! You are about to discover the secrets how you can generate a 4 figure Automatic Profits from scratch...

You will learn how to make as much as $30,100.71 in just 2 weeks from other people's products without breaking a sweat.

For more info, visit http://www.EasyAutomaticProfits.com

The Absolute Best Way to Discover Profitable Niches

If you want to learn the absolute best way to discover profitable niches and build a rock solid, profitable Online Business, then you need this information. You are about to discover why a lot of "Gurus" have got it wrong when it comes to uncovering profitable niche opportunities. In this article, we'll explore 4 powerful, but often overlooked sources you can use today, to hunt down and capture those elusive profitable Niches.

As aspiring (or even experienced) Internet Marketers, we must be constantly searching for more and more profitable niches to dominate/explore. After all, a growing, ever expanding stable of profitable niche sites is every marketer's dream and desire.

The trouble is, when it comes to researching and discovering profitable niches, I believe we are being led astray. Many of the so called "Internet Marketing Gurus", eager to sell us their latest and greatest keyword discovery tool, tell us we need to do extensive keyword research. This, they tell us, will uncover those hidden niches that have high search counts, but low competition in the marketplace.

But the truth is, keyword research, as an initial step, only tells us what people are searching for... not what they are buying. Keyword Research, while certainly a critical step, should not be the first step in the Niche hunting sequence. We first need to know what people are BUYING. Remember, a niche must have eager and hungry BUYERS to be profitable. Commonsense really, but it's amazing how many of us get the cart before the horse!

To uncover a potentially profitable niche, it's Market Research we need to be doing... NOT Keyword Research.

Accurate Market Research will allow help us uncover those profitable niches. Then and only then, should we begin our Keyword Research.

So how, then, do we conduct our Market Research?

Thanks to the power of the internet, there's no need to pay a Research Company... we can do our own Market Research, absolutely free.

Here's 4 powerful, but often overlooked sources right at your fingertips:-

1. Magazines - Every magazine covers a niche. Search the magazine racks for magazines that have been around a while and have a decent readership. Does the magazine run a goodly number of ads? Are those ads for goods, services and information related to the coverage? I'd suggest you've just found a profitable niche. Advertisers won't keep advertising if they don't get sales.

2. eBay - Here's the largest online marketplace in the world. You can let this marketplace tell you exactly what people are buying. Simply go to eBay.com and click on Buy at the top of the screen. Then scroll down and click on Popular Products. You'll then be presented with the hottest products that folks are buying every single day.

3. Online Retailers - Huge organizations such as Amazon are literally chock full with items that people are BUYING. In fact, many large online retailers itimize their "hottest sellers" for you... a great place for Market Research.

4. ClickBank - This would have to be one of the easiest Market Research sites on the web. When you click on a category, you are immediately presented with a structured list of hot sellers, ranked in order of popularity. This is juice for another article in itself, but my suggestion would be to seek out items with a "gravity" between 50 and 200. This should give you a proven seller, but with a little less competition.

That should be more than enough information for you to hone down and zoom in on a suitable niche. Once that is accomplished, then and only then should Keyword Research begin.

David Price has over 10 years experience online and has been in the unique position of being able to test and review literally hundreds of Work at Home and Home Business Opportunities. His popular website, http://www.WorkAtHomeReporting.com gives visitors unbiased reviews and resources to help make their online experience more profitable and reveals his #1 choice in Keyword Research Tools.

Why Small Business Owners Must Integrate Their Traditional & Internet Based Marketing in 2009

If you could gain an enormous advantage over your competitors by simply following a more effective marketing strategy, would you?

Make no mistake, many small business owners are slowly waking up to the fact that you simply can't do "business as normal" and survive in this economically distressed business climate. Which is why integrating your marketing is so important.

But what is integrating your marketing? Well, let's start with the word integrate.

Integrate means - To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify

Now by definition, "Marketing is" - the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

So with the above two definitions we can now combine the words, integrate and marketing, to come up with a more effective method of marketing, for the small business owner.

Integrated Marketing Explained

Integrated Marketing is simply taking your most effective offline (or traditional) methods of marketing and combining them with the most effective online (or Internet) methods of marketing.

The results are synergistic, meaning that when you combine the most effective offline and online marketing methods and strategies, the sum of the effects is greater than the sum of using them individually. Put even more simply, you'll multiply your marketing efforts, which will lead to more leads, more customers, more clients, more traffic to your website, more traffic to your brick and mortar store, more product sales, more service sales, more transactions, more money, more profits.

And that my friend - is exactly what you, as a small business owner, want!

Now the logical question is... How can I integrate my marketing so that I achieve a more stable and profitable business in today's economy?

Here is a tip on how you can do just that.

Ask yourself which of the following your currently using to gain an advantage in your business marketing, in fact, why not copy and paste this checklist so that you'll have it as a guide.

I'm currently using the following sales channels:

_____ 1. Classified Advertising

_____ 2. Display Advertising

_____ 3. Radio Ads

_____ 4. TV Commercials

_____ 5. Direct Response Mail (Letters, Postcards)

_____ 6. Website

_____ 7. PPC (Pay Per Click) Ads

_____ 8. Blog

_____ 9. Articles (Internet)

_____ 10. Web Video

_____ 11. Social Websites (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Squidoo, etc...)

_____ 12. Free Downloadable Reports

_____ 13. Free Informational DVD's or CD's (Customer Pays Shipping)

_____ 14. eBook or eReport in the PDF Format

_____ 15. Web 2.0 Sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, AOL Video, etc...

_____ 16. Organic Search Engine Traffic (From SEO Methods)

Well by now - you get the idea, and I'm sure you realize that there are many other sales channels . But do you realize that you should be using seven or more sales channels simultaneously? Plus, you should be tracking your results, and making adjustments so that you're using your sales channels effectively as possible.

Well with that being said, chew on this . Many small business owners do not use more than three sales channels. And to add insult to injury, their online advertising is practically non-existent, or missing altogether.

It should be obvious that integrating (combining) your marketing will lead to:

  • More Leads
  • More Clients
  • More Customers ( A Customer Purchases)
  • More Foot Traffic
  • More Website or Blog Traffic
  • More Word of Mouth
  • More Referrals
  • More Opportunity
  • More Transactions
  • More Profits
  • And a WHOLE LOT FEWER WORRIES! After all, "Cash is King."

Now with all of the above said, can you see , "Why small businesses should integrate their traditional and Internet based Marketing in 2009?"

In the next article I'm going to expand on this topic and give examples of how to integrate your small business marketing.

Don't miss part two...

Jake Toney is a full-time Copywriter and Marketing Consultant who specializes in leading small to medium-sized businesses to greater profits, in less time, through the integration of traditional and Internet Marketing. Optimize your business for a -| PROFIT SURGE |- by subscribing to the Profitable Business Strategies Ezine at: http://www.JakeToney.com

EBusiness Channels - Successful Channels For Better Marketing Solutions

Online Marketing has become a large focus for most corporations globally and it is easy to see why. As opposed to traditional marketing methods such as print advertising, marketing through online channels is globally accessible, targeted and measurable.

Ensure Global Accessibility

Acquiring leads and sales by driving the primary focus through an eBusiness platform, as with all elements of business, rely primarily on the marketing.

The Internet has made information much more accessible, and in turn the reach of any product nearly effortless. It is changing the way people communicate and access information on a daily basis. The number of people who access the internet daily amounts to approximately 250,000,000. Your product or company needs to be easily accessible via the Internet and more specifically stand out in order to leverage this shift.

With the number of people searching the Internet on a daily basis compared to the number of competing websites for your industry, how do you ensure that your website stands out from the crowd?

Identify Your Demographic Target Audience

As with traditional marketing methods, it is important to firstly identify your audience.

Alongside this it is very important to identify the following:

  1. Your Vertical Niche - this will determine the theme of the content on your website
  2. Online Competitors - from the theme, it will identify who your online competitors are.
  3. A Unique Selling Proposition - this will assist to identify how you can pitch your online campaign to gain an upper hand on your competitors.
  4. Your Goal - what you want to achieve with your site

Identifying these criteria will ensure that you choose the correct channel to communicate your message through.


The online opportunities for a company are varied across a broad spectrum of channels, however the most important criteria is to ensure that your vehicle of marketing, your website, is as robust it can be, not cluttered and easy to navigate prior to implementing an online marketing campaign.

The foundation to any online marketing campaign is to ensure that your company is found on all the major search engines.

A good place to start is with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) comprised of paid search marketing (Pay Per Click - PPC) and organic search marketing (Search Engine Optimisation - SEO).

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is aimed at achieving a page one placement in the left hand side results in Google for example. The key to a great Search Engine Optimisation campaign lies predominantly in the content of a website. Having established the theme of your website, your online competitors and target audience you have within your reach the resources to establish the key-phrases that searchers would enter into search engines to find information about your company or industry. When a website ranks well for a variety of keywords and phrases in the major search engines, incoming traffic, brand awareness and online sales increase and the company makes a return on its investment.

Pay Per Click (PPC) is aimed at achieving top three sponsored position placement on the right (or first two on left) results in Google for example. PPC advertising is targeted by keywords and context. Instead of relying on your site content, and especially if you need to enter the market aggressively, paying for your key-phrases is ideal. You effectively purchase your traffic to the website by paying each time a searcher clicks on your advert from a search engine. Payments vary according to multiple factors. In order to decrease the financial outlay it is imperative that the psychological aspects of the website are according to usability and conversion best practice. This implies that each visitor should ideally turn into a customer. When clicks convert to sales, pay per click advertising can yield impressive returns on investment.

Social Media Marketing is a close second to Search Engine Marketing. Social Media or otherwise referred to as Consumer Generated Media can be described as Word of Mouth advertising. It is based on the assumption that all individuals will refer a service, product or person on the basis that they have achieved something in return. It further states that individuals are far more likely to purchase a service or product etc if it was referred by a trusted source, such as for example an acquaintance, friends or family. Social media sites have become a great resource for online marketers and businesses looking for widespread online exposure.  Target audiences can be narrowed down far more than other methods of adverting as social network websites typically profile their users. These profiles are used to target advertising too in terms of their interests, thus advertisers have the ability to target a niche audience that have to some extent been pre-qualified.

Blogging is another popular social media channel for business. Blogging is low cost, can achieve a following when developed and run properly, and serves as a good and informal way to communicate directly with customers, build content and build an online reputation.

Other profitable channels to market your campaign through include email and affiliate marketing.


A big plus for online marketing channels is that unlike traditional advertising channels, eMarketing allows for high accuracy in tracking results. All campaigns are measurable. For example, advertisers placing an advert in the front page of a popular business oriented magazine will not be able to track exactly how many people have seen the advert. Although you are able calculate circulation statistics, this does not guarantee that the advert has been viewed, or that any sales have evolved from this advert. Online marketing channels allow advertisers to see exactly how many people have seen their advert, on what day, in which country and whether this ad led to a sale.

The evolution of eCommerce and eBusiness practices has created online marketing channels that are simple to use, adaptable, targeted and incredibly fast. The popularity of the internet has propelled the use of online marketing channels from "nice to have" to non-negotiable. Every business should have an online marketing strategy to maximise the exposure and to leverage relationships with their customers.

About the Author:
Shoulders of Giants is an online business resource featuring various giants of business who are experts in their fields exploring a range of business topics such as Online Marketing Channels for eBusiness.

Internet Marketers Beware - The Governments of the World Want to Tax You!

For longest time online businesses have enjoyed an advantage that their retail brick and mortar business do not have. These Internet Companies that sell their wares are for the most part not charging sales tax or paying it to the local governments. Of course, local government agencies are desperate for those monies now and are pushing to get at it.

Many online businesses also do not declare their income and yes, I agree that it is not worth chasing every little Internet Marketer around, most don't make any money anyway. It's always nice I suppose to put the fear of the Canadian CRA or American IRS into them so they come clean or think twice.

Indeed, I am glad to see the IRS and CRA working together to prevent tax cheats, and perhaps catch terrorist money making laundering and such, although when governments share data, it sets up a problematic situation if someone working in one of those agencies in either country is the bad guy, then information has been given away.

Worse, competitors might seek such information; this poses a huge problem depending on the extent of the data sharing program. We already have foreign governments sharing information and spying on corporate executives and their travels and giving the information to their teams remember governments and business are always a bit too cozy, ah Adam Smith speaks from the grave?

In everyone's haste to root out terrorism, and share information, that information is now available on anyone, by any government in the world, many of which are more corrupt than the criminals trying to hide themselves. Often, the corruption is pretty disgusting, and you do not have to read spy novels to figure it out, it's pretty obvious, but no one dares address these real issues, so the game continues.

And despite this criticism, the tax man cometh, and he may just be a virtual avatar chasing you around online. Think on this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/.

Earn an Extra Income Online Right Now With the Help of Internet Marketing

Considering the amount of Internet sites out there that are offering you the chance to earn an extra income online you are bound to be slightly suspicious of them. This is why many people are now conducting their own research into websites that state they can help you make money online; after all this is the only way that you are going to know who you can trust out of the programs that state they know how you can make you an extra income online.

Not all of the ventures that you come across are scams; in all honesty there are a number of websites out there that really can help you when it comes to using Internet marketing to earn an extra income online. One prime example of this is the IPC instant cash program. Don't believe me? Do your research, with ventures such as this one and many more like it you won't find anything negative about them in the press. It is programs like these that will actually help you and these are the ones that you should trust when it comes to earning an extra income online.

Genuine venture represents a real system that allows anyone to make an income online. With these programs you can potentially make money online with a complete online business that provides you with your own website as well as up to $4,000 worth of software that you will be selling. As well as all of the software that you need you will also gain full training and continued support on how you set up and operate your online business in order for you to earn an extra income online.

The potential that you have when it comes to earning an extra income online with the help of Internet marketing is huge! Internet marketing ventures are a relatively new concept, with some of the biggest only being around since about November 2008. These Internet marketing ventures have grown in manic proportions due to the fact that people became that convinced that marketing ventures could help them earn an extra income. Within ten minutes of marketing ventures such as the IPC instant cash program becoming available people all over the world were joining and everyone was rushing to get the word out about how programs such as this can help you earn an extra income online. So what separates the successful programs from the non successful ones?

The make or break for many Internet marketing ventures that promise to improve your income is the training that you receive. If you are shown the right techniques and given the correct pointers in order to help you bring in some extra cash then you are more likely to succeed in your marketing venture than people who are just thrown into it. You need to know basic marketing skills such as cross linking, search engine optimization techniques and how to write articles in order to drive traffic to your website so people can buy the software that you are selling. It is also a good idea that you know how to make and upload videos as you will need to use them as part of your marketing promotion. With a successful marketing venture all of these aspects will be taught to you during your training. So not only will you receive help to earn extra money online now but you will also be armed with a range of knowledge and skills that you can apply to other business that you conduct online.

If you do use one of the many Internet marketing ventures that are available then you stand to learn and gain so much without any gimmicks or tricks. So start looking into Internet marketing today and you could be pleasantly surprised.

Bob Tantullo, a home-based business owner from NJ has been involved with various online marketing programs. He joined the new IPC Instant Cash the day it was released. Starting as an Internet marketing newbie, Bob has been able to run his IPC business from home, part-time and is excited about the extra boost the new IPC Instant Cash will bring to his income. To get more information on how you can make money online with IPC Instant Cash, get your free report at http://www.Profit-From-Home-Today.com.

Earn an Extra Income Online With Little Effort Thanks to Internet Marketing

When you look into how many websites claim to be able to make you money online you will be overwhelmed at how many actually exist but the important thing is being able to tell the real ones from the scams.

The last thing that you want to happen is to invest your time, and more importantly your money, into a venture that turns out to be a scam. You want to be able to earn an extra income online with little effort and in a way that is genuine. Thankfully such ventures do exist and provide you with the opportunity to be making anything up to between $4,000 and $8,000 extra a month. This is on top of the wages that you will be picking up from your day job. Certain programs; for example the IPC instant cash program, are proven to work and can truly help you. There is proof of this all around you on the Internet; just do a bit of simple research into such programs and you will see all of the good press that surrounds them.

Internet marketing ventures that promise to help you earn an extra income have a lot more going for them than people give them credit for. Not only do these programs give you the potential to earn some extra money but they also provide you with skills and methods of marketing. You will be fully trained in all aspects of Internet marketing through concepts such as audio and visual training. This training is something that will not only help you make a success of your marketing venture but will also be something that you are able to take away with you and apply to other forms of Internet marketing that you may go onto once you have completed the marketing venture.

As long as you are willing to put in the effort to get your marketing under way you will see the results that you want. To make money online with marketing programs all you have to do is follow the training and instructions (very important!). Once you have undertaken the training and know the instructions you can literally sit back relax and wait for the money to start coming in.

Many of the Internet marketing ventures that exist today are known as being automated or 98% automated. So what does this mean to you? Well it basically means that the marketing program is working around the clock for you. So even when you go out to do your everyday 9 till 5 job your Internet marketing venture will still be helping you to earn an extra income online. All that is then left for you to do is the odd job every now and again but the programs are designed to pretty much do everything themselves, which leaves you free to get on with other aspects of your life. So you could be going out for a meal or spending time with your family while you still earn an extra income online! And as the Internet never shuts up shop your Internet marketing venture will be open 365 days a year.

Due to aspects such as the economic crisis there has never been a better time to earn an extra income online. So if you want to bring in a bit more cash as well as picking up a few more skills then looking into an Internet marketing venture could be just the thing that you need.

Bob Tantullo, a home-based business owner from NJ has been involved with various online marketing programs. He joined the new IPC Instant Cash the day it was released. Starting as an Internet marketing newbie, Bob has been able to run his IPC business from home, part-time and is excited about the extra boost the new IPC Instant Cash will bring to his income. To get more information on how you can make money online with IPC Instant Cash, get your free report at http://www.Profit-From-Home-Today.com.

Internet Marketing Tips - Are Your Goals Based on Reality?

Are your goals based on reality? Odd question? Not really. You can't believe how many Internet marketers I talk to who tell me stuff like, "I'm going to make 7 figures a year after just my first year online." I then ask, "Is that your goal?" Their answer is yes. Well, it's a great goal to have. Nothing wrong with having them. As a matter of fact, without them, you're just fumbling in the dark. But are your goals based on reality? And if not, does it matter? Everybody is going to have their own opinion on this subject. I'm going to offer mine.

I have a lot of respect for somebody who has big goals. When I first started online, I had a very small goal to start with...just make some money. I was out of work and hoping just to be able to show myself that it was possible to make a living online. Once I saw that it was, I then shot for bigger goals. I graduated from one level to the next and I did it very slowly. I am still doing that as I am writing this.

The reason I believe this is a "better" way to go about it is simple. If you were to decide, right from the start, that you wanted to make a million dollars a year, and your first year you only made about $20,000, wouldn't you be at least a little disappointed? I know I would. But if you kept your goals modest, that $20,000 might look like a fortune to you.

But there is another side to this and it's what I call the "reality" side. It's one thing to say you're going to make so much money marketing, but what's your plan for pulling it off? Have you mapped out the specs? Is your million dollar plan actually based in reality? Is it doable? Or are you just wishing? See, things just don't happen. YOU have to make them happen. Anybody can say, "I want to make a million dollars this year." But without a clear cut plan to back it up, it's not going to happen.

There is nothing wrong with thinking "big" and certainly I am not trying to discourage anybody from doing that. Just understand that behind every big goal is a workable plan.

Don't leave home without yours.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to get your business off on the right foot? Tired of spinning your wheels? Go to http://www.nichetoolkit.com/ and sign up for early bird admission into the complete solution for your training, product and promotion needs.

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