If you want to learn the absolute best way to discover profitable niches and build a rock solid, profitable Online Business, then you need this information. You are about to discover why a lot of "Gurus" have got it wrong when it comes to uncovering profitable niche opportunities. In this article, we'll explore 4 powerful, but often overlooked sources you can use today, to hunt down and capture those elusive profitable Niches.
As aspiring (or even experienced) Internet Marketers, we must be constantly searching for more and more profitable niches to dominate/explore. After all, a growing, ever expanding stable of profitable niche sites is every marketer's dream and desire.
The trouble is, when it comes to researching and discovering profitable niches, I believe we are being led astray. Many of the so called "Internet Marketing Gurus", eager to sell us their latest and greatest keyword discovery tool, tell us we need to do extensive keyword research. This, they tell us, will uncover those hidden niches that have high search counts, but low competition in the marketplace.
But the truth is, keyword research, as an initial step, only tells us what people are searching for... not what they are buying. Keyword Research, while certainly a critical step, should not be the first step in the Niche hunting sequence. We first need to know what people are BUYING. Remember, a niche must have eager and hungry BUYERS to be profitable. Commonsense really, but it's amazing how many of us get the cart before the horse!
To uncover a potentially profitable niche, it's Market Research we need to be doing... NOT Keyword Research.
Accurate Market Research will allow help us uncover those profitable niches. Then and only then, should we begin our Keyword Research.
So how, then, do we conduct our Market Research?
Thanks to the power of the internet, there's no need to pay a Research Company... we can do our own Market Research, absolutely free.
Here's 4 powerful, but often overlooked sources right at your fingertips:-
1. Magazines - Every magazine covers a niche. Search the magazine racks for magazines that have been around a while and have a decent readership. Does the magazine run a goodly number of ads? Are those ads for goods, services and information related to the coverage? I'd suggest you've just found a profitable niche. Advertisers won't keep advertising if they don't get sales.
2. eBay - Here's the largest online marketplace in the world. You can let this marketplace tell you exactly what people are buying. Simply go to eBay.com and click on Buy at the top of the screen. Then scroll down and click on Popular Products. You'll then be presented with the hottest products that folks are buying every single day.
3. Online Retailers - Huge organizations such as Amazon are literally chock full with items that people are BUYING. In fact, many large online retailers itimize their "hottest sellers" for you... a great place for Market Research.
4. ClickBank - This would have to be one of the easiest Market Research sites on the web. When you click on a category, you are immediately presented with a structured list of hot sellers, ranked in order of popularity. This is juice for another article in itself, but my suggestion would be to seek out items with a "gravity" between 50 and 200. This should give you a proven seller, but with a little less competition.
That should be more than enough information for you to hone down and zoom in on a suitable niche. Once that is accomplished, then and only then should Keyword Research begin.
David Price has over 10 years experience online and has been in the unique position of being able to test and review literally hundreds of Work at Home and Home Business Opportunities. His popular website, http://www.WorkAtHomeReporting.com gives visitors unbiased reviews and resources to help make their online experience more profitable and reveals his #1 choice in Keyword Research Tools. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_F_Price |
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