Obtaining hits or traffic to a website is the focal interest of Internet marketing specifically pertaining to viral marketing techniques. One marketing strategy to increase traffic is the tell a friend scripted method that provides a friendly and innovative way to pass along media or information.
When seeking to boost traffic, visitors need to be drawn into a site that is catchy and compelling to the user. The tell a friend script is a basic programming tool that allows forms of media to passed to another individual in a quick manner, generally via email where they in turn can pass on the same information and on and on. This rapid marketing tool generally does not cost a lot but can provide an effective way to attract specific users to one's website and drive traffic.
Generally, the tell a friend script involves passing on some form of media such as a video that attracts the interest of several users. Companies with the most clever and cutting-edge media or information are most likely to attract the most people but even if the piece is unique it will still take some time for the tell a friend method to spread and allow an increase in visits to a site. When passing along scripted information the user will have to provide their name, email address and the recipient's email address in order to send the media to them as an attachment. This is often seen as a friendly marketing tactic since the recipient does not consider the email from someone they know as spam that they will block or delete.
Generally, through the tell a friend method people who enjoy the information or material they have been sent will follow the link that correlates to the website, which instantly drives traffic. These new users are also more likely to further the tell a friend script and pass along more viral information about the website. This allows the marketing cycle to continue as more and more individuals use the tell a friend script to pass along materials, creating a flood of free traffic.
Ultimately, this viral marketing tactic may take a while to kick off but as long as companies are willing to be patient and put up new forms of media, brand recognition is sure to develop. In the long run it promotes the website, which will increase traffic and lead to an increase in profits and sales. This is a perfect example of a tell a friend script and viral marketing tactic gone wild.
Try using a Viral Marketing Widget or Tell A Friend Script to drive a boat load of free friend referred traffic to your website Facebook style. Dr. Knox Grandison is a full time internet marketer and part time physician and has been for over 10 years. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Knox_Grandison |
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